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Jacket Fashion Style

Jacket lapels are the decorative revers on the face of formal jackets, most commonly found on men’s clothing. They are formed by turning down the collar and turning back the top part of the jacket’s closure, as in this image. Collars arose from simple necklines to support neckwear, then were turned over into lapels starting in the late 18th century. The jacket is an essential formal wear ensemble for the groom. There is no difference between a tuxedo jacket and a suit jacket with the exception that the face of the lapel is made of satin and gives the tux jacket a distinct satin-y sheen.Moreover all the regular sizes are available in a tux jacket.

Jacket Fashion Style

Jackets come in varied sizes. There are long jackets with five buttons and short jackets with two buttons available in the market. If you are below six feet choose carefully. Long jackets may make you look shorter. Tuxedo jackets with five buttons is suitable for tall men.